Han-Dok Jusinn Youth Orchestra
Han-Dok Jusinn (Jugend+Sinn) Youth Orchestra is a youth orchestra selected by auditions for students aged 10 to 18. The orchestra has concerts twice a year, in May and October and has now been active for 1 year. It started as a social exchange between the German music school and the elementary school in Yeosu. The Orchestra also participated in the Berlin Contemporary Music Festival. Yeosu has 17 orchestras in elementary, middle, and high schools. Among them, students who want to be in the Jusinn Orchestra or major in music gather and play music together. The organization consistently focuses on themes of hope for peace, showcasing transparency, honesty, an accurate understanding of history, and an unending hope for peace. Their mix of original compositions and classical pieces not only develops good character but also improves the young students’ musical skills.
Jusinn Youth Orchestra
Han-Dok Jusinn (Jugend+Sinn) Youth Orchestra
Ungchon 3gil 8-1, 59693 - Yeosu, Republic of Korea
T: +82 10 7622 3765
E: handokeinheit@naver.com
W: https://jusinn.modoo.at/