JM Serbia

Founded: 1954 | Member: 1962 | Local sections: 10

JM Serbia was created in 1954 and re-founded after the break up of former Yugoslavia, in 1992.
JMS runs many local and national events including school concerts, the Summer Academy of Sacred Music (Monastery Studenica), an open-air festival called "Kalemegdan Dusks", a Quiz-competition for high schools, public concerts and workshops for young Serbian musicians.
One of its leading projects is the International Jeunesses Musicales Competition Belgrade which is held annually. The Competition is dedicated to the most promising young musicians at the beginning of their international careers and is a member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions, held in Geneva. Every year the Competition is open to different instruments played by musicians from any nationality under 30 years of age. Category chosen for the competition are most traditionaly violin, violoncello, piano, guitar, singing, flute, chamber music, but there was a years with composition (1979, 1985, 1990), viola (1982) as categories. JM Serbia collaborates with a number of international JMI projects including Ethno and YAM.

JM Serbia

Terazije 26/II
11000 Beograd

T: +381112686090
F: +381113610596 
