
Founded: | Member: 2023

Popsport is the leading coaching programme for young talented pop musicians (aged 14-21) in the Netherlands. Popsport has both a regional programme (first half of a calendar year) and a national programme (from summer to winter). 

In our regional programmes, we put together the programme based on the participants' personal development questions. We use professional musicians and coaches from the music industry to lead plenary workshops or sometimes individual sessions.  As a finale, we organise a showcase.

Acts and bands whose ambition, motivation and potential make them stand out in the regional programme are allowed to move on to the national programme. For those participants, this is the chance to go even deeper into the development of their music and act. Together with experienced coaches from the industry, they improve their skills and work towards their dreams. They also get a personal coach, who helps them set a specific goal and work towards it. At Popsport, we do this using the AMACK system: a methodology with which professionally trained coaches provide structured guidance and with which coach and act together to work towards a portfolio.

Finally, Popsport has a third trajectory: the Popsport Network. This is a kind of alumni programme for anyone who participates or has ever participated, in Popsport.  In this Network, we offer coaching sessions with established artists, workshops, (festival) venues, radio gigs as well as exclusive visits to follow-up courses, master classes, exchange programmes and more!


Molenveldlaan 96, 6523 RM Nijmegen - The Netherlands

T: 024 324 33 50 E: info@popsport.nl W: www.popsport.nl