Svenska vänföreningen folkmusik i Kurdistan

Founded: 2022 | Member: 2023

The Swedish Friendship Association of Folk Music in Kurdistan is a newly started association with the main aim to start up an Ethno in Kurdistan in Iraq. With that we hope to develop interest in the roots of folk music in Kurdistan and to support a living interest among mainly young people to practice and further develop folk music in Kurdistan (Age 18-30). 

The association is non-partisan and work in a democratic and culturally generous atmosphere. The association wants to give young people the opportunity for musical learning and for musical meetings in an open and cross-border spirit.

The Friendship Association is inspired by Ethno camps and activities, which several of the board members have taken part in previously. We are all impressed by the friendly and inspired musical environment enjoyed by young musicians from all over the world within the framework of Ethno activities. The Friendship Association of Kurdish Folk Music wants to take part in and support the organisation of a national Ethno organization in Iraq-Kurdistan with a similar spirit.

Until now there has been very few public activities but we are in the process of building a network in Kurdistan and Sweden to support the start-up of an Ethno and we are also working with different applications to Swedish and international funding bodies. We hope to arrange the first Ethno Kurdistan camp in the summer 2023.

Svenska vänföreningen folkmusik i Kurdistan

Swedish Friendship Association of Kurdish Folkmusic

T: +46 768 40 63 98
W: Swedish Friendship Association of Kurdish Folkmusic