- about 14 days ago
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One packed day of professional input, network and lots of great music. 300 local children came to experience the concerts, 150 contact teachers, culture workers and producers from in and outside Denmark, and nearly 100 KulturCrew (Danish Students as Organisers) students who either hosted the concerts/worked behind the scenes, or came to select concerts for their schools in the 2016/2017 season.
Get a glimpse from the eventful day below through the pictures of Christian Brandt:
LMS Director Ebbe Høyrup welcomes all guests at the welcome dinner on Sept. 18th. In 1996, now 20 years ago, the very first Musik i Tide festival took place - then as now with Ebbe Høyrup in front.
Visiting Chinese musicians at the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music (who will tour Danish schools for LMS in the spring 2017) gave a delightful taste of traditional Chinese instruments. Afterwards, the guests had opportunity to try the Chinese strings.
Royal Danish Conservatory of Music Percussion was one of the features at the showcase opening, Sept. 19th. Rhythm and in Denmark's most beautiful concert hall.
The tight showcase program hosted no less than 17 professional music groups, two courses and visits by hundreds of schoolchildren. Here local schools children dance with LMS group Viva.
Kulturcrew students scribble notes deciding which concerts they wish to come to their school in the coming season.
The hosting KulturCrew from local schools gathered to introduce the final concert.
It takes something to captivate an audience after eight hours of non-stop concerts, networking and presenting, yet Wenzell and Bugge effortlessly worked magic. A fantastic end to a fantastic showcase!
Photocredit: Christian Brandt