- about 12 days ago
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The second edition of the enCORE Accelerando took place in Budapest, Hungary, from June 3rd to 6th 2023. It brought together 12 exceptional projects from young classical musicians from 11 countries to present their ideas for the future of the genre.
enCORE Classical is a global platform by JM International, dedicated to empowering young classical musicians: it provides support, training and inspiration to further the professional development of young classically trained musicians, working around issues like innovation, inclusion and outreach. The enCORE Accelerando aims to identify and award promising ideas in the field of classical music and fast-track their development by offering them training and coaching. Each year 3 projects are selected to receive micro-grants that aim to turn their ideas into reality.
This edition featured the inspiring sessions by Ricardo Van Mildert (MoonJelly Agency and VanzelfSprekend Coaching), Omar Sharhyar (RESEO), László Ágoston (Moltopera and Nonmono), Julia Mihalyfy (Pro Progressione) and Marta Lozano (Wazo Coop and Wazo Magazine). Over 2 days participants built ideas shaped their ideas under the guidance of these coaches and concluded with each participant pitching their ideas to a professional jury. The enCORE jury, composed of David Zsoldos (JM Hungary / Papageno); Julien Beurms (JM Wallonie-Bruxelles); Michael Christensen (JM Denmark); Marta Lozano (Wazo Coop and Wazo Magazine); Ricardo Van Mildert (MoonJelly Agency and VanzelfSprekend Coaching) and László Ágoston (Moltopera and Nonmono), awarded three phenomenal projects that uncover new ways in classical music.
This edition awarded projects aimed to innovate within classical music through new technological applications, inspiring social change solutions and new ways to better understand the audiences. The best three projects as selected by the jury, will each receive a microgrant of €1000, kick-starting their creators' dreams!
The winners are Orgelpunkt by Leon Felix Schlagintweit (Germany/Switzerland), ProjectA by Maia Steinberg (Uruguay/the Netherlands) and Listening to Listeners by Francesco Spina (Belgium/Italy).
You can watch the recordings of their final pitches here.
For all the enCORE action and jury commentary you can find the livestream recorded here.
By Leon Felix Schlagintweit (Germany/Switzerland)
A footpedal keyboard to make tuning drones accessible while practicing. Tuning drones are Synthesizer Notes which help musicians to practice Intonation.
By Maia Steinberg (Uruguay/the Netherlands)
ProjectA is an conscious artistic incubator that works with blending sound healing and vocal music, creating meaningful experiences that bring people together.
Listening to listeners
By Francesco Spina (Italy/Belgium)
What do we know about the user experience of a symphonic concert? My project brings together venues and orchestras with researchers to discover what elements of the performance could be innovated to engage with new classical music audiences.